Rocky Mountains 7 Must-Do’s for Your Spring Visit


Explore the Rockies this spring with our top 7 must-do experiences. From hiking trails to wildlife encounters, discover the best of this iconic destination.

Explore lower valleys for stunning trails like Cub Lake and Fern Falls, adorned with vibrant wildflowers.

Hike Among Blooming Wildflowers


Witness elk, bighorn sheep, and more with their young in the lush meadows of Moraine Park and Horseshoe Park.

Spot Diverse Wildlife


Experience excellent fishing opportunities in lakes and rivers like Loch Vale and Poudre Lake for native trout species.

Cast Your Line in Fresh Waters


Admire the beauty of cascading waterfalls fueled by snowmelt along trails such as Ouzel Falls and Chasm Falls.

Marvel at Rushing Waterfalls


Immerse yourself in the park's beauty with winter camping at Aspenglen Campground, a serene escape amidst snowy landscapes.

Camp in Nature's Embrace


Witness the breathtaking beauty of dawn at Bear Lake, where sunlight paints the landscape in hues of gold and pink.

Catch a Sunrise


Spend a magical night under the starry sky. Elk bugles and coyote howls serenade campers during the enchanting elk rutting season.

Sleep Under Starlit Skies


Next: There are Rocky Mountain National Park’s 7 Must-See Wonders

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