How a Hawkins County Man Hiked the Entire Appalachian Trail


Meet Charles Grubb, He is a Hawkins County man who hiked the entire Appalachian Trail in 11 years.

The Appalachian Trail is a 2,193-mile footpath that crosses 14 states from Georgia to Maine.

What is the Appalachian Trail?

Grubb began hiking the trail in 2012, one week at a time. He planned ahead for weather and logistics.

How did Grubb start his journey?

Grubb had to deal with injuries, bears, snakes, and COVID-19. He also had to balance his work and family life.

What challenges did he face?

Grubb loved the views, the wildlife, and the seasons. He also met many friendly and helpful people on the trail.

What did he enjoy the most?

Grubb reached the northern terminus of the trail, Mount Katahdin, on his 56th birthday. He celebrated with his wife and friends.

How did he finish the trail?

Grubb fulfilled his lifelong goal of hiking the Appalachian Trail. He said  "it was an amazing and rewarding experience."

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