9 Top Things to Do in Everglades National Park


Everglades National Park is a vast wetland park in Florida that protects rare and endangered species and habitats.

The park is home to many animals, such as alligators, manatees, dolphins, birds, and more.

See the wildlife


The park has five visitor centers that offer information, exhibits, films, and ranger programs.

Visit the Visitor Centers


The park has many trails that range from easy boardwalks to challenging backcountry routes.

Hike the Trails


The park has two drive-in campgrounds and many wilderness campsites. Reserve in advance.

Camp in the Park


The park has a rich and diverse history, from Native Americans and settlers to farmers and conservationists.

Learn about the History and Culture


Follow the park rules, leave no trace, and do not feed or harass the wildlife. Help protect the park.

Respect the Nature


Enjoy your visit to Everglades National Park, but be prepared for the weather, the bugs, and the wildlife.

Have fun and be Safe


Shark Valley is a scenic loop that showcases the marshes and hammocks of the park. Stop at the observation tower.

Drive through Shark Valley


The Ten Thousand Islands are a maze of mangrove islands and waterways. See the wildlife and the sunsets.

Paddle through the Ten Thousand Islands


Next: 9 Essential Tips for Exploring Everglades National Park

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