7 Breathtaking Views from Angels Landing in Zion National Park


Angels Landing is a hike that will test your courage, stamina, and balance. But the reward is worth it: 7 breathtaking views that will make you feel on top of the world!

At Scout Lookout on the hike, the paved trail ends, and chains start. Enjoy views of the climbed switchbacks, Zion Canyon below, and towering cliffs above.

Scout Lookout


Before Scout Lookout, pass through Refrigerator Canyon—a narrow, shady escape from the sun. Colorful patterns on canyon walls create a stunning contrast with the blue sky.

Refrigerator Canyon


Walter’s Wiggles, iconic on the hike, are 21 steep switchbacks to Scout Lookout. Named after park superintendent Walter Ruesch, they were built in 1926.

Walter’s Wiggles


Reach Angels Landing Summit for breathtaking views of Zion Canyon and the Virgin River. The narrow half-mile ridge offers spectacular, sheer drop-offs on both sides.

Angels Landing Summit


For a unique view of Angels Landing, hike to Observation Point from East Mesa Trailhead. Enjoy a panoramic perspective of Zion, including iconic rock formations.

Observation Point


Experience Zion Canyon by hiking The Narrows along the Virgin River. This popular trail, through a slot canyon, often has you walking in the water—be ready to get wet!

The Narrows


Experience Zion Canyon by hiking The Narrows along the Virgin River. This popular trail, through a slot canyon, often has you walking in the water—be ready to get wet!

Emerald Pools


Next: 7 Hidden Gems in Zion National Park That Only Locals Know 

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