Why 75,000 Kaiser workers are on strike

More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente health care workers are on strike across the U.S. Find out why they are protesting and what it means for patients.

Thousands of Kaiser Permanente workers have walked off the job. What are they demanding and how will it affect you?

The largest health care strike in U.S. history 

The strike involves more than 75,000 workers from eight unions. They include nurses, pharmacists, technicians, and others.

Who is on strike?

The strike is taking place in California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Virginia, and Washington D.C. It started on October 4 and will last until October 7.

Where is the strike happening?

The workers say they are facing a staffing crisis that affects their safety and quality of care. They also accuse Kaiser of violating labor laws and bargaining in bad faith.

Why are they striking?

The workers are asking for Kaiser to hire more staff, improve working conditions, and increase wages and benefits. They say they deserve respect and recognition for their work.

What do they  want?

Kaiser says it has plans to ensure that patients continue to receive care during the strike. It also says it is willing to negotiate with the unions and reach a fair agreement.

How is Kaiser responding?

Some patients may experience longer wait times, reduced services, or rescheduled appointments. However, all hospitals and emergency departments will remain open.

How is the strike affecting patients?

The strike is a sign of the challenges and frustrations that health care workers face amid the pandemic. It is also a show of solidarity and strength among the unions.

A historic moment for health care workers

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