Is There Anybody out There? The 6 World’s Most Remote Homes


Escape to the World’s Most Remote Homes. Imagine living in a place where you can enjoy the beauty of nature without any distractions.

A Village on Top of a Waterfall: Gásadalur Village is one of the most secluded homes in the world.

Gásadalur Village, Faroe Islands


A House Made of Earth and Clay: This house is located in Ouarzazate, a city in the Sahara desert.

Adobe House, Ouarzazate, Morocco


Alaska is known for its vast and untouched wilderness. This cabin is nestled among evergreens at the foot of a mountain.

Cabin, Alaska, USA


Arnarstapi is a small village on the southern side of the Snæfellsnes peninsula in Iceland.

Red-Roofed House, Arnarstapi, Iceland


The Loneliest House in the World: Elliðaey is an island in the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago in Iceland.

Hunting Lodge, Elliðaey, Iceland


A House Between Two Rocks, Casa do Penedo, or Stone House, is an unusual house that is built between two large boulders in the Fafe Mountains in Portugal.

Casa do Penedo, Fafe Mountains, Portugal


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