The winner of Katmai’s Fat Bear Week contest for 2023 is …


What is Fat Bear Week? Fat Bear Week is a celebration of the success and survival of Katmai’s brown bears. 

Fat Bear Week is a tournament where online voters choose the fattest bear of the year.

The Contest


The winner of Fat Bear Week 2023 is Grazer, a large female bear with blond ears.

The Winner


The runner-up of Fat Bear Week 2023 is Chunk, a massive male bear with a scarred muzzle.

The Runner-Up


Grazer and Chunk faced each other in the final round, with Grazer winning by a landslide.

The Challenge


Grazer’s secret to becoming the fattest bear is her excellent fishing skills and maternal instincts.

The Secret


Grazer’s reward for being the fattest bear is a long and cozy winter hibernation.

The Reward


Next: Your Ultimate Guide to Fishing in the Blue Ridge Parkway

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