How Stressed Are You? The 7 Most Stressed States in the US


Stress is a natural response to challenges, but excessive stress harms health. A 2023 WalletHub report shows over 75% of adults report stress symptoms.

Mississippi tops stress levels in the US with a score of 66.10, excelling in money, family, health, and safety-related stress, ranking 17th in work stress.



Louisiana ranks second in US stress levels with a score of 64.85, excelling in work, money, family, and health-related stress, while placing seventh in health and safety stress.



Oklahoma stands as the seventh most stressed US state, scoring 60.85, with consistent rankings in work, money, family, and health stress.



New Mexico, the third most stressed US state, scores 63.71. It leads in work stress, ranks sixth in money, ninth in family, and 13th in health and safety stress.

New Mexico


West Virginia is the fourth most stressed US state, scoring 62.96, excelling in work and health stress, ranking seventh in money and 15th in family stress.

West Virginia


Nevada is the fifth most stressed US state, scoring 61.59. It excels in work and health stress, ranks 11th in money, and 18th in family stress.



Arkansas ranks sixth in US stress levels, with a score of 60.94, excelling in work, money, and health stress, while placing 26th in family stress.



Next: 7 Places the U.S. Government Warns Not to Travel Now

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