7 Super Stereotypical Cities in the US. Do You Live in One of Them?

What comes to mind when you think of an American city? Is it skyscrapers, suburbs, or corn fields? Every city has its own stereotypes, but some are more accurate than others. 

Columbus is often called America’s test market, because it represents the average consumer preferences and demographics of the nation.

Columbus, Ohio


Minneapolis is known for its friendly and civic-minded people, who volunteer and donate to charity more than most Americans. 

Minneapolis, Minnesota


Charlotte is a fast-growing city that attracts people from all over the country with its booming banking and finance industry.

Charlotte, North Carolina


Las Vegas is often described as “America: The Ride”, because it’s a city that offers everything you can imagine and more. It’s a city of, gambling, nightlife, and spectacle.

Las Vegas, Nevada


Las Vegas is often described as “America: The Ride”, because it’s a city that offers everything you can imagine and more. It’s a city of, gambling, nightlife, and spectacle.

Peoria, Illinois


Chicago is a city of beauty, and creativity. It’s a city that has some of the stunning architecture, especially by Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed landmarks like Unity Temple.

Chicago, Illinois 


Kansas City is a city of history, glory, and charm. It’s a city that has a rich heritage in barbecue, baseball, and jazz. 

Kansas City, Missouri


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