Avoid These 7 Las Vegas Tourist Traps: A Local's Guide


Welcome to Las Vegas, where dazzling lights often mask tourist traps. Discover the city's 7 true gems and avoid common pitfalls with this insider's guide.

Beware of escort cards thrust upon you on the Strip. Keep walking to avoid this common ploy.

Street Card Scams


Avoid shady offers like nightclub passes or illegal gambling games. Stick to licensed vendors.

Illegal Street Hustles


The airport's slot machines offer the lowest returns in Nevada. Avoid them for better odds.

Low Returns at McCarran Airport


Don't fall for unnecessary detours by cab drivers. Opt for trusted routes or rideshare services.

6-5 Blackjack


Don't fall for unnecessary detours by cab drivers. Opt for trusted routes or rideshare services.

Long Hauling Taxi Scams


Don't let cab drivers steer you to unregulated attractions. Stick to your intended destinations.

Unwanted Suggested Stops


Street promoters might offer free club entry, but it's often a ploy. Watch out for hidden terms and conditions.

Beware of "Free" VIP Club Deals


Next: 8 Luxury Hotels in Las Vegas for an Ultimate June Retreat

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