9 Ways to Discover the Magic of Gorongosa National Park


Gorongosa is one of Africa’s greatest wildlife restoration stories. Here are 9 ways to discover its magic.

Gorongosa is home to lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes, and rhinos. Spot them on a safari or a guided walk.

See the Big Five


Mount Gorongosa is the park’s highest point and a biodiversity hotspot. Hike through rainforests, waterfalls, and coffee plantations.

Visit Mount Gorongosa


Lake Urema is the heart of the park and a haven for birds and hippos. Enjoy a boat ride or a picnic on its shores.

Explore Lake Urema


Gorongosa works with local communities to improve their well-being and protect the environment.

Meet the local communities


Gorongosa is a park for peace and a model for 21st century conservation.

Support the conservation efforts


Chitengo is the park’s main accommodation and a comfortable base for your adventure.

Stay at Chitengo Safari Camp


Chitengo’s restaurant and bar offer delicious meals and drinks with a view of the floodplain.

Dine at the Restaurant and Bar


Chitengo’s gift store sells a variety of souvenirs and products made by local artisans.

Shop at the gift store


“Our Gorongosa” is a documentary that tells the story of the park and its people.

Watch the “Our Gorongosa” film


Next: 10 Natural Wonders to Visit After You Retire

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