9 Top Places to See the Northern Lights in Alaska This Winter


Alaska is a prime destination for seeing the northern lights, or aurora borealis, in winter. Discover 9 amazing places to enjoy this natural wonder in Alaska.

It is located under the auroral oval, a ring-shaped zone where the aurora activity is concentrated. You can find many viewing spots near Fairbanks, such as Cleary Summit, Murphy Dome, and Chena Hot Springs Resort.



You just need to get away from the city lights and find a dark and open spot. Some of the best places near Anchorage are Point Woronzof, Eagle River, Eklutna Lake, and Girdwood.



It is a remote and rugged place that offers a clear and unobstructed view of the northern sky. You can also experience the rich culture and history of the native Inupiat people in Nome.



It is also a great place to see the northern lights, especially from the riverfront park or the nearby Denali State Park.



It is one of the most isolated and extreme places to see the northern lights in Alaska. You can join a tour that takes you to Coldfoot from Fairbanks and enjoy the aurora from a cozy lodge or a heated yurt.



A popular spot for camping, hiking, biking, and kayaking in summer, and for skiing, snowshoeing, and ice fishing in winter. It is also a wonderful place to see the northern lights, as the lake reflects the colors of the aurora.

Eklutna Lake


It is a high elevation and low light pollution area that offers a stunning view of the northern lights. You can also explore the historic Independence Mine State Historical Park, where gold was mined in the early 20th century.

Hatcher Pass


It experiences polar night from November to January, when the sun does not rise above the horizon. This makes it an ideal place to see the northern lights, as they are visible almost every night in winter.



It is home to diverse wildlife, such as grizzly bears, moose, caribou, and wolves, and to the majestic Denali, the highest mountain peak in North America. It is also a prime location to see the northern lights, as there is no light pollution and plenty of open space.

Denali National Park and Preserve


Next: 9 Top Places in the US to See the Northern Lights This Winter

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