9 Tips to Have a Great Time at Arches National Park


Welcome to Arches National Park, a red-rock wonderland with unique geological features and formations 

Arches National Park is very popular and requires a timed entry reservation from April to October.

Plan ahead and make a Reservation 


Arches National Park is open year-round, but the weather can vary greatly depending on the season. 

Choose the best time to Visit 


Arches National Park has a scenic drive that offers access to many viewpoints and trailheads. 

Explore the park by Car, Bike, or Foot 


You can see it from a distance at the lower or upper viewpoint, or hike 3 miles round-trip to stand under it. 

See the iconic Delicate Arch 


It has several large arches, such as North and South Window, Turret Arch, and Double Arch. 

Discover the Windows Section 


It is a challenging and adventurous place to explore, but you need a permit or a ranger-guided tour to enter.  

Experience the Fiery Furnace 


Arches National Park is one of the best places to see the stars, thanks to its low light pollution and clear air.  

Enjoy the Night Sky 


The Devils Garden Campground is the only campground in the park, and it offers a spectacular setting among the rocks. 

Camp at the Devils Garden Campground 


You can learn about the geology, ecology, archaeology, and art of the park at the visitor center, along the trails, or online. 

Learn about the History and Culture of the Park 


Next: 9 Awesome Things to Do at Arches National Park

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