9 Mesmerizing New Year's Journeys in Canyonlands National Park 


Welcome to Canyonlands National Park, a place of wonder and adventure. Here you can explore canyons, mesas, buttes, rivers, and more. 

The Island in the Sky is a high plateau that offers spectacular views of the surrounding terrain.  

Island in the Sky 


The Needles is a district of colorful sandstone spires that create a maze-like landscape. 

The Needles 


The Maze is the most remote and challenging area of the park, where you can experience true wilderness and solitude. 

The Maze 


The Green and Colorado rivers carve two deep canyons into the park, creating a contrast between water and rock. 

The Rivers 


Horseshoe Canyon is a detached unit of the park that contains some of the most impressive and well-preserved rock art in North America. 

Horseshoe Canyon 


Canyonlands National Park is one of the best places to stargaze in the world, thanks to its low light pollution and high elevation. 

Dark Sky Park 


Canyonlands National Park is open year-round, and winter is a special time to visit. You can enjoy the snow-covered scenery, the crisp air, and the quiet atmosphere. 

Winter Wonderland 


If you want to see the park from above, you can book a scenic flight with a local company. 

Scenic Flights 


Canyonlands National Park has some of the most challenging and rewarding off-road routes in the country. 

Off-Road Adventures 


Next: 9 Outdoor Getaways to Explore in Utah this December

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