8 Top Views Along the Appalachian Trail You Need to See


Welcome to the Appalachian Trail The Appalachian Trail is a 2,190-mile footpath that crosses 14 states and offers amazing views of nature. 

Enjoy the beauty of the rolling farmlands from this rocky summit on the Blue Mountain Ridgeline.

The Pinnacle, Pennsylvania 


Climb to the highest point on the Appalachian Trail and see seven states from the observation tower.

Clingmans Dome, Tennessee 


Sit on the edge of the most photographed spot on the Appalachian Trail and marvel at the Shenandoah Valley.

McAfee Knob, Virginia 


Hang 3,000 feet over the Catawba Valley and catch a glimpse of McAfee Knob to the south.

Tinker Cliffs, Virginia 


Walk on a grassy bald with 360-degree views of the Great Smoky Mountains and the Black Mountains.

Max Patch, North Carolina 


Hike through a spruce-fir forest and emerge on a ridge with spectacular views of the surrounding peaks.

Roan Mountain, Tennessee/North Carolina 


Traverse a 1.7-mile exposed ridge above the treeline and see the White Mountains in all their glory.

Franconia Ridge, New Hampshire


Reach the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail and celebrate on the highest mountain in Maine.

Mount Katahdin, Maine 


Next: 9 Best Hikes on the Appalachian Trail for Beginners

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