8 Fun Facts About the Wildlife of Bryce Canyon National Park 


Bryce Canyon is home to many amazing animals. Learn 8 fun facts about the wildlife of Bryce Canyon National Park.

Bryce Canyon is actually a series of natural amphitheaters carved by erosion. 

It’s not really a canyon  


Ebenezer Bryce settled near the canyon in 1875 and called it a “hell of a place”. 

It’s named after a Pioneer 


You can find elk, pronghorn, prairie dogs, mountain lions, and more. 

It has 59 species of Mammals  


You can spot hummingbirds, falcons, owls, ravens, and more. 

It has 175 species of Birds 


In the arid and diverse landscapes of certain regions, venturing into the great outdoors can bring about encounters with a fascinating array of wildlife. 

It has 11 species of Reptiles 


In the captivating realm of the natural world, a bustling tapestry of life unfolds, revealing a myriad of fascinating creatures that inhabit our planet. 

It has many Insects and Butterflies  


The Anasazi, the Paiute, and the Fremont were some of the people who used the area. 

It has a Rich history and Culture  


Well, not really. But it reached 100 million degrees Celsius in a nuclear fusion experiment in 2023 

It’s Hotter than the Sun 


Next: 9 Adventurous Getaways to Explore in Nevada this December

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