8 Best Spots for Wildlife Photography in Olympic National Park


Olympic National Park is a paradise for wildlife lovers. With diverse ecosystems, from rain forests to mountains, the park is home to hundreds of species of animals and plants.

The Hoh Rainforest is one of the largest temperate rain forests in the world. It’s also a great place to see Roosevelt elk, the largest subspecies of elk in North America.

Elk at Hoh Rainforest


Lake Crescent is a deep and clear lake offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains. It's a popular spot for bald eagles, the US national symbol.

Bald Eagles at Lake Crescent


Rialto Beach is a rugged and scenic beach on the Pacific coast. It’s also a prime location for whale watching, especially in spring and fall.

Whales at Rialto Beach


Ruby Beach is another beautiful beach on the coast, named for its reddish sand. It’s also a habitat for sea otters, the smallest marine mammals in North America.

Sea Otters at Ruby Beach


The Sol Duc Valley is a lush valley featuring a river, a waterfall, and a hot spring. It's also home to black bears, the most common in North America.

Black Bears in the Sol Duc Valley 


Hurricane Ridge, a high area with spectacular Olympic Mountain views, is home to Olympic marmots, a unique species in this region.

Marmots on Hurricane Ridge


The Queets River is a wild and scenic river in a remote area of the park. It's where you can see another herd of Roosevelt elk, distinct from Hoh Rainforest's elk.

Roosevelt Elk at Queets River


Mount Olympus, the park's highest peak, is a challenging destination for mountaineers. It's also a territory for mountain goats, well-adapted to harsh conditions.

Mountain Goats on Mount Olympus


Next: 5 Unique Activities for Adventure Seekers in Olympic National Park

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