8 Best Spots for Wildlife Photography in Yellowstone National Park


Yellowstone National Park is home to over 300 species of wildlife. You can see bison, bears, wolves, and otters in their natural environment. Discover 8 prime spots for wildlife photography.

Hayden Valley is one of the best places to see bison in Yellowstone. The valley is a large open grassland that attracts 1000s of bison, especially in the summer and fall. 

Hayden Valley Bison Herds


Lamar Valley is known as the Serengeti of North America, because of its abundance of wildlife. It’s also one of the best places to see wolves in Yellowstone. 

Lamar Valley Wolves


Swan Lake Flats, near Mammoth Hot Springs, offers a large lake and marshy wetland. It's ideal for observing trumpeter swans, North America's largest waterfowl.

Swan Lake Flats Trumpeter Swans


Grizzly bears, iconic and elusive, are found in various habitats. Some of the best places to see them are near Tower-Roosevelt, Canyon Village, and Fishing Bridge.

Grizzly Bear Hangouts


Pelican Creek is a small stream that flows into Yellowstone Lake near Fishing Bridge. It’s a good place to see river otters, playful mammals that live in and near the water. 

Pelican Creek Otters


Elk are common and majestic in Yellowstone, with prime viewing spots during the rutting season at Mammoth Hot Springs, Madison River Valley, and Gardiner River Valley.

Elk Rutting Grounds


One of the most iconic images of Yellowstone is a bison standing in front of a geyser. You can capture this photo by visiting some of the geyser basins in the park.

Bison in the Geysers


Pronghorn are fast and graceful animals that can run up to 60 miles per hour. They are not antelopes, but a unique species native to North America.

Pronghorn in the Lamar Valley 


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