7 US Destinations for the Delightful Wonder of Stargazing at Night


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see the stars up close? To witness the dazzling display of constellations, planets, and even shooting stars? 

Big Cypress is a vast wetland that covers over 1 million acres of Florida’s southern tip. 

Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida  


Death Valley is one of the hottest and driest places on Earth, but it also offers some of the best stargazing opportunities.  

Death Valley National Park, California 


Cherry Springs is another International Dark Sky Park that attracts stargazers from all over the world.  

Cherry Springs State Park, Pennsylvania  


Big Bend is one of the largest and most diverse national parks in the US, covering over 800,000 acres of desert, mountains, canyons, and rivers. 

Big Bend National Park, Texas  


Glacier is a stunning destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. The park boasts over 700 miles of hiking trails, 200 lakes, and 25 glaciers. 

Glacier National Park, Montana 


Zion is one of the most popular national parks in the US, attracting millions of visitors every year. 

Zion National Park, Utah  


Great Sand Dunes is a unique destination that features towering sand dunes that reach up to 750 feet high. 

Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado 


Next: 7 Hidden Gems to Explore in Mississippi this December

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