7 Exotic Animals and Where to Find Them


Embark on a journey to discover 7 exotic animals and their enchanting habitats across the globe. Join us as we delve into the breathtaking landscapes where they can be found.

You can find them in Western Australia.

Thorny devil


You can find them in China.

Golden snub-nosed Monkey


You can find them in Central America and northern South America.

Green Vine snake


You can find them in Africa south.



You can find them in the Philippines.

Common flying dragon (Draco volans)


You can find them in China and Vietnam.

Fulgoridae or Lanternflies


You can find them in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.



Next: 7 Most Luxurious Overwater Bungalows Around the Globe!

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