7 Cultural Destinations to Explore in New Mexico this December


New Mexico is a state with a rich and diverse culture. From ancient ruins to modern museums, from Native American pueblos to Hispanic villages, there is something for everyone to explore.

This center in Albuquerque celebrates the heritage and achievements of Hispanic people. You can enjoy exhibits, performances, workshops.

National Hispanic Cultural Center


This park preserves the remains of a complex civilization that thrived in the Chaco Canyon from the 9th to the 13th centuries.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park


Santa Fe is the oldest and highest capital city in the US, and a hub of art and culture. You can visit the historic plaza, the stunning cathedral.

Santa Fe


Taos Pueblo is one of the oldest continuously inhabited communities in North America, dating back to over 1000 years. You can tour the adobe house.

Taos Pueblo


This museum in Santa Fe honors the life and work of one of the most influential American artists of the 20th century. You can admire the paintings, drawings.

Georgia O’Keeffe Museum


Roswell is the site of the famous 1947 UFO incident, and a mecca for alien enthusiasts. You can visit the International UFO Museum and Research Center.



This park is home to the world’s largest gypsum dune field, covering 275 square miles of desert. You can hike, sled, bike, or camp on the dazzling white sands.

White Sands National Park


Next: Must-Visit: 6 Mouthwatering Food Destinations

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