7 Cool Things to Do at Zion National Park


Zion National Park is one of the most scenic and diverse parks in the US. Here are 7 cool things to do at this amazing place.

The Watchman is a towering rock formation that overlooks the town of Springdale.

The Watchman 


The Narrows is a spectacular slot canyon that you can hike through.

The Narrows 


Angels Landing is a thrilling and challenging hike that offers stunning views of Zion Canyon.

Angels Landing 


Zion Canyon Scenic Drive is a 6-mile road that takes you to some of the most popular attractions in the park. 

Zion Canyon Scenic Drive


Kolob Canyons is a less crowded and more remote section of the park.

Kolob Canyons 


Canyon Overlook is a short and easy hike that leads to a stunning viewpoint.

Canyon Overlook


The Emerald Pools are a series of three pools that are fed by waterfalls. 

Emerald Pools


Next: 9 Breathtaking Hikes to See Zion National Park’s Wonders

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