7 Best Birdwatching Spots in the US for 2023

Explore 2023's best safari spots for wildlife lovers. Dive into untouched nature, vibrant ecosystems, and majestic animals with our curated list.

New Jersey Cape May is a premier birding destination on the East Coast, known for its migratory birds and coastal scenery.

Cape May


Texas The Rio Grande Valley in Texas is a birder’s paradise, offering a unique blend of tropical and subtropical birds.

Rio Grande Valley


Texas High Island is a small coastal town in the Gulf of Mexico, known for its spectacular birding opportunities and stunning landscapes.

High Island


Florida Everglades National Park is one of the most biodiverse places in the country, with over 300 species of birds.

Everglades Park


Maine Acadia National Park is a beautiful park on the coast of Maine, with 261 species of birds.

Acadia Park


Arizona Tucson is a hotspot for birding in the Southwest, with over 500 species of birds.

Arizona Tucson


California Santa Maria Valley is a birding gem in the Central Coast of California, with over 300 species of birds.

Santa Maria Valley


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