Top 6 Unmissable Safari Destinations

Explore 2023's best safari spots for wildlife lovers. Dive into untouched nature, vibrant ecosystems, and majestic animals with our curated list.

A vast expanse of golden grasslands, the Maasai Mara offers the unparalleled spectacle of the Great Migration. Between July and October, over a million wildebeest, zebras, and antelopes cross its plains, closely followed by Africa's top predators. Its rich biodiversity also offers regular sightings of the "Big Five".

Maasai Mara, Kenya


Serengeti's seemingly endless plains are an emblem of wild Africa. This UNESCO World Heritage site hosts a vast variety of animals, birds, and unique flora, promising diverse safari experiences throughout the year.

Serengeti, Tanzania


With the mighty Chobe River supporting one of Africa's densest concentrations of wildlife, expect close encounters with elephants, hippos, and abundant birdlife in a striking riverside setting.

Chobe National Park, Botswana


One of Africa's largest game reserves, Kruger boasts a stunning array of species. From the Big Five to countless other mammals, birds, and reptiles, this park provides unmatched wildlife watching opportunities across its varied landscapes.

Kruger National Park, South Africa


Nestled amidst misty mountains, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is home to roughly half the world's mountain gorillas. Trekking through its dense jungles to have a face-to-face encounter with these gentle giants is an experience of a lifetime.

Bwindi Forest, Uganda


A sprawling inland delta, the Okavango offers an oasis teeming with life. Its labyrinth of channels, lagoons, and islands house lion prides, leopards, wild dogs, and hundreds of bird species, making it a watery haven for enthusiasts.

Okavango Delta, Botswana


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