12 Fun Things to Do on Father's Day 2024


Celebrate Father's Day 2024 with these 12 fun activities! Find exciting, heartwarming things to do that will make the day memorable for the whole family.

Visit a local brewery for a tasting.

Craft Beer Tasting


Have fun at an amusement park.

Amusement Park


Take a scenic road trip.

Road Trip


Explore a local museum.

Museum Visit


Go on a family camping adventure.

Camping Trip


Prepare a special dinner at home.

Home Cooked Meal


Watch Dad’s favorite movies.

Movie Marathon


Relax and play at the beach.

Beach Day


Enjoy a round of golf together.

Golf Outing


Attend a live baseball game.

Sporting Event


Host a backyard BBQ with family favorites.

Fishing Trip


Plan a hiking trip to a nearby park.

Outdoor Adventure


Next: 8 Fun and Memorable Date Ideas in Wilmington NC

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